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Our products

This technical validation shows that our solutions and applications meet the IBM integration criteria for Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure solutions.

Repostor DATA Protector

Utilize the company resources right with a fast backup and a fast restore.

Data Protector allows you to do fast, hot online backups and works especially well in networks with low bandwith. After a full backup has been taken, an incremental backup handles the changes that has occured to the database. This is a very efficient technical solution that saves your company time, money and energy, as the backup window is minimal. Data Protector takes backup on block level and is very flexible and easy to work with.

This product works on MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, SAP IQ and SAP ASE. Read more about the databases Data Protector supports under ‘Technical specifications’.



  • All operations
  • All enterprise sizes
  • All database sizes
  • Open Sourse Databases
  • IBM Spectrum Protect users (former Tivoli Storage Management, TSM) (required)
  • Point in time restore
  • Full backup of selected database
  • Full restore of selected database
  • Incremental backup of selected database
  • Incremental restore of selected database
  • Restore of database to a new machine / database
  • Pick older version of backup for restoration
  • Report de-duplication savings
  • Report compression savings
  • Report performance in MB/s
  • Update Spectrum Protect filespace capacity
  • Update Spectrum Protect occupancy from database
  • Backup and Restoration are done in parallel
  • New options for backup of transaction logs
  • Report used encryption

Evaluation license: 30 days trial after downloading the software.

Production license: License is bound to a Spectrum Protect server(s) where backups are stored. The license key is a general license key that works with all Repostor Software

Repostor has two different payment models, available for all products, one Subscription model and one Licensing model. Choose the model that fits best for your company. Read more about the subscription model here.

Data Protector Version Matrix: 

Available platforms: 

Platform  MongoDB  MySQL  PostgreSQL  Sybase ASE  Sybase IQ  MariaDB 
AIX, PowerPC  X  X  X  X  X  X 
Redhat, x86_64  X  X  X  X  X  X 
RedhatzSeries    X  X  X    X 
RedhatPowerPC    X  X  X    X 
SLES, x86_64  X  X  X  X  X  X 
SLES, zSeries    X  X       
SLES, PowerPC    X  X       
Ubuntu, x86_64  X  X  X  X  X  X 
Windowsx86_64    X  X  X    X 

For details, please contact: 



Repostor EXPRESS Protector

Beneficial for all enterprises.

Repostor EXPTRESS Protector provides online backup capabilities for databases such as PostgreSQL towards IBM Spectrum Protect.
It makes it possible to store the backup of your database away from the database server. It allows for scheduled online backups and point in time restores.

The license includes a total aggregated volume of 100GB and up to 3 databases.
The volume is measured on the database side, called protected data including log files.
Maintenance such as upgrades, bug fixes etc. is included as well as Helpdesk through email.

This product is preferred to smaller databases with a Linux platform and works on PostgreSQL. Read more about the databases Express Protector supports under ‘Technical specification’.



  • 24/7 operations
  • Small & Big enterprises
  • Open Sourse Databases
  • Commercial Databases
  • IBM Spectrum Protect users (former Tivoli Storage Management, TSM) (required)
  • Linux users (required)
  • PostgreSQL(required)
  • Safest and fastest backup possible
  • Nearly instant backup
  • Continuous backup
  • Fastest possible recovery time
  • Disaster recovery
  • Fast rollback
  • Simple to use
  • One command to perform backup / restore / rollback
  • Only block changes are sent to the Spectrum Protect Server
  • Block to Block copy is faster than going through application
  • Only changed blocks will be restored from the Spectrum Protect Server
  • Block level incremental foreverDeduplication reduces duplicates
  • Simple product that integrates with all storage devices with minimum configuration changes


Quick and easy to buy with express: With just a few keystrokes, the product is yours. Press purchase file then enter your personal information press purchase. After this, it starts to generate a software key. The key together with a link will be sent to your Email where you can easily download the i Express Model.

Production license: License is bound to a Spectrum Protect server(s) where backups are stored. The license key is a general license key that works with all Repostor Software

Repostor has two different payment models, available for all products,  Choose the model that fits best for your company. Click here to buy this product.

Express Protector Version Matrix:

Current releases are:








Redhat, 6, x86_64




Redhat, 7, x86_64




SLES, 11, x86_64




SLES, 12, x86_64




Redhat, 6, PowerPC




Redhat, 7, PowerPC




SLES, 11, PowerPC




SLES, 12, PowerPC




Redhat, 6, z/OS


Redhat, 7, z/OS


SLES, 11, z/OS


SLES, 12, z/OS


TBA = To be annonced


Reposter is an IT company that specializes in developing backup and recovery solutions. We are a born global business with customers and resellers all over the world. Our vision is to become the preferred choice for business continuity.

Repostor AB
Varholmsgatan 2
414 74 Göteborg
+46 31 788 15 88